Results: 1319
Select Date of Approval Name Degree type Area of Specialization Dissertation Number Division/Program Title
1992/03 Arokiaswami Alphones Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 22 go Doctoral Program of Information and Production Science STUDIES ON OPTICALLY CONTROLLED MILLIMETER-WAVE CIRCUITS
1992/03 ICHINOSE Kennichi Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 17 go Doctoral Program of Information and Production Science 数値流体力学的手法による乱流構造の解明
1992/03 NAKANO Yukihiro Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 5 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality サーモトロピック液晶高分子を一成分とするポリマーアロイの研究
1992/03 HARADA Naoki Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 15 go Doctoral Program of Material Science 反応染料分子の水溶液における状態およびセルロース繊維に対する染色性に関する研究
1992/03 SHIKATA Ryouichi Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 14 go Doctoral Program of Material Science ジルコニアの熱的、機械的特性の向上に関する研究
1992/03 OONISHI Hiroshi Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 19 go Doctoral Program of Information and Production Science A STUDY ON METALORGANIC CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION OF YBa2Cu3O7-x SUPERCONDUCTING FILMS
1992/03 MIYAGISHI Yukimasa Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 8 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality 景観行動から見たシークェンス景観に関する基礎的研究
1992/03 YAMAMOTO Tomoyuki Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 9 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality 赤外分光法によるセグメント化ポリウレタン類の構造と物性に関する研究
1992/03 GOTOU Tokuju Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 13 go Doctoral Program of Material Science 低温プラズマの繊維加工への応用
1992/03 KIMATA Kazuhiro Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 2 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality 逆相液体クロマトグラフィー用高機能化充填剤に関する研究
1992/03 SUGIURA Shigeki Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 20 go Doctoral Program of Information and Production Science 数値流体力学手法による自動車エンジン吸気系流の予測
1992/03 RYU, J Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 16 go Doctoral Program of Material Science 羊毛の放電処理に関する研究
1992/03 SHIBAYAMA Nobuko Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 4 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality 文化財染織品に用いられた天然染料の高速液体クロマトグラフィー・質量分析法による分離と同定
1992/03 KURIBAYASHI Hideyuki Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 12 go Doctoral Program of Material Science 無アルカリガラスを基礎としたガラスセラミックスの開発に関する基礎的研究
1992/03 MASAI Yukito Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 7 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality 添加剤によるポリプロピレン繊維の改質
1992/03 NAGAHARA Junnji Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 6 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality インターヌクレオチド部位を標識したDNAプローブの合成と液相遺伝子検索への応用
1992/03 KAWAMOTO Naoki Course-based Doctor of Philosophy Haku Ko Dai 1 go Doctoral Program of Applied Science for Functionality 色彩設計の客観的評価に関する研究
1992/03 ISHIKAWA Makoto Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 11 go Doctoral Program of Material Science 窒化ケイ素及び炭化ケイ素の高温酸化反応に関する機構論的研究
1992/03 AKIMOTO Shigeru Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 10 go Doctoral Program of Material Science AINのプラズマ焼結に関する研究
1992/03 INABA Hiroyuki Course-based Doctor of Engineering Haku Ko Dai 18 go Doctoral Program of Information and Production Science 通信路特性に適合した誤り訂正符号の構成とその復号法に関する研究